MSDT Internship on Koh Tao – Specialty Course

Sairee Cottage Diving has always strongly believed in protecting and conserving the environment. We have actively worked with and promoted Project: AWARE, so when we found out about Coral Watch, we jumped at the opportunity to help out and start surveying our corals around Koh Tao in Thailand.

Corals are living animals related to jellyfish and formed by colonies containing thousands of polyps. Tiny algae known as Zooxanthellae, live within the cells of the coral and make energy via photosynthesis. Zooxanthellae provide corals with their colour, and their energy necessary for their growth.

Coral reefs are extremely important to life on Earth, as they are nursery grounds for approximately 25% of all known species, and home to about 33% of all known fish species.

Sadly, we have lost more than one third of our reefs around the world due to over-fishing, sediment & pollution run-off, storm damage, pest, disease, global warming and more. What Coral Watch hopes to achieve, is to integrate coral reef education and global reef monitoring using the Coral Health Chart and contributing the information to a global data base.We’ve ordered multiple Coral Health Charts and have gotten some of our Divemasters to monitor the corals of a few dive sites and most recently, during our Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) course, our instructors who just completed their Instructor Development Course (IDC) conducted an Eco dive and decided to learn more about what they could do to help Coral Watch.

Our Course Director, Marcel Van Den Berg, had a quick run-through with our IDC graduates before having a dive to conduct a Coral Watch survey by making use of the Coral Health Chart.

If you would like to become a more environmentally friendly diver or a become a Project: AWARE specialty diver during your MSDT Internship, feel free to contact Sairee Cottage Diving at:

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